Spanish Civil War Shelters in Costa Almeria

Want to learn about Spanish culture and history? Then what better place to visit than the Museo Refugio De La Guerra Civil, or the Spanish Civil War Shelters in Costa Almeria. Entrenched in history and stories from survivors who experienced the horrors of the civil war first-hand, this is a fascinating and chilling experience that will stay with you forever.
During the Spanish Civil War, the population of Almeria was terrorized by bombings in the city. To protect the people, they decided to build air-raid shelters deep underground. This network of shelters was able to hold around 35,000 people out of approximately 50,000 people that lived in Almeria at the time.
These impressive yet harrowing air raid shelters are open to the public and are the most extensive in the region. Built into Castle Hill, this museum showcases posters, pictures, news clippings, and personal testimonies from people that survived the ordeal.
The entrance is around 3 euros and tourists are shown a short film and given a tour of the extensive passageways and inside of the shelters. Tours are given in Spanish but English information boards are available everywhere so you won’t miss anything. This is an interesting place that is well worth the visit when in Almeria. This is still the most significant spot in the city due to its history so make sure to visit.
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