Want to learn about Spanish culture and history? Then what better place to visit than the Museo Refugio De La Guerra Civil, or the Spanish Civil War Shelters in Costa…
Guest writers who have travelled and explored Spain and tells their experiences.
Want to learn about Spanish culture and history? Then what better place to visit than the Museo Refugio De La Guerra Civil, or the Spanish Civil War Shelters in Costa…
Baelo Claudia is an ancient Roman city that lies outside Tarifa, lining the shores of the Strait of Gibraltar. This beautiful place was prosperous until it was abandoned after many…
If you are looking for something a little bit different on your Spanish holiday this year, then look no further than the Ron Montero Rum Bodega, or Rum distillery in…
La Dama de Elche or the Lady of Elche is an interesting piece of history, discovered in 1897 and made entirely of limestone. It is believed that this bust was…
Nestled between the city buildings in the city of Elche, Alicante lays a garden of Eden: a paradise filled with lush greenery and impressive palm trees, far away from the…